tiistai 3. heinäkuuta 2012

Ideapark and East-Asia Mart

The trip to Ideapark was nice and we had fun. We also took lots of pictures and that's the reason we are posting about it today and not yesterday as we planned. On Monday we woke up early, like 8.30 or so, and both of us were tired since we hadn't slept so much. Fortunately we got to sleep in the car while Heini's father was driving. However either of us couldn't fall asleep so we listened to music, U-Kiss' Neverland album.

As you can see, Heini was very tired. She slept the whole time when we were heading back to home.

More about IdeaPark. It was kind of lame. We were waiting for something bigger and cooler, but it wasn't anything like that. It was just a normal mall with same kind of shops. Boooooring. We should have gone to Funpark which was in Ideapark, then there would have been fun.  

Both of us bought Call of Duty 4, and they cost only 40 euros together. So 20 euros for one. We didn't buy anything else.

Come to visit or go home! This was outside of Ideapark. Now I think we should have gone home.

East-Asia Mart was cool, but we didn't find much to buy. Heini bought kimchi, wonton pastry, Yan yan candies, peach drink, rice cakes and some weird vegetable thing. Sanni bought kimchi, hot pepper paste, Yan yan candies and Aloe vera drink.

xoxo Shinju & HyeIn

sunnuntai 1. heinäkuuta 2012

Getting ready~

We are getting ready for tomorrow's shopping trip to Tampere and Lempäälä (places in Finland ) and its quite interesting to search about shops where we will go. East-Asia Mart, is one of them. We are going to buy FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD and Sanni wants some Haneulpori which is a Korean soft drink. Heini is looking for some kimchi and dumplings. I bet Sanni wants some kimchi too! 

Before going to East-Asia Mart, we head our steps to Ideapark, which locates in Lempäälä. There we will buy clothes and maybe some other stuff like books or games. lol. 

The trip to Lempäälä will be quite long so we prepared some k-pop; Super Junior's Sexy, Free & Single album, etc.  

Then something about this day. 

Although we are in Finland, here is hot as hell. We are going to diiiiiiiiiiie. We don't like hot weather at all so we are staying inside. Sanni came at Heini's place at noon. After that we opened the radio and blasted some k-pop, as always.

We tried to study some Korean for a while but Sanni couldn't concentrate so we didn't study. Stupid Sanni :c After that Sanni got an idea about this shared blog. And here we are - writing this post together. We wanted to take some pictures but Heini looks so horrible today so we couldn't take any. Sorry about that. 

Heini looks like this today.
Tomorrow we will take sooooo many pictures that you will get bored while watching them. No need to thank (:! 

See you! 

xoxo HyeIn & Shinju 


You might notice that this isn't my blog anymore. We have a new writer, my lovely cousin Shinju. You can read more about her here. She also has her own blog, www.sannisayswiuhh.blogspot.com but it's in Finnish only.

We decided to make a shared blog because we are so close and we have so much in common. We also live quite close each other. The blog's address will change in few days and we'd like to ask what would you like to name it? Share your options down in comments.

Tomorrow we will have a huge post about our exciting day in Ideapark and East-Asia Mart. We are also going to post about it shortly tonight.

Please tell about us and share our blog to your friends, family, cats and dogs~ DON'T FORGET YOUR PARROTS! c:

xoxo Shinju & HyeIn

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