Hello hello everyone~ I haven't been posting anything for a few days, sorry about that. I have not found any inspiration to writing. Now I got a small inspiration to write something but now I got stuck again and I found myself looking at the screen blankly. Is this a writer's block? My brain can't think anymore because our summer vacation started~ Lovely, freedom, you can sleep as long as you want to. We went to get our certificates from school this morning and I made my mother cry from happiness again. The average of the book-subjects (I don't know the word in English but I mean those subjects like maths, chemistry, languages etc.) was 9,5 and the normal average was 9,2. The most surprising thing was that I got a 10 from arts~
Olen kuunnellut jo muutaman päivän pelkkää Big Bangia, nytkin olen tekemässä Youtubeen suurehkoa soittolistaa BB:stä. Kun kuuntelen Big Bangia, mieleeni tulee se aika kun vasta tutustuin kpoppiin. BB oli siis ensimmäinen kpop-yhtye, johon olin täysin rakastunut. Ja tänään vasta tajusin, että siitäkin on jo reilut kolme vuotta.
I've listened to Big Bang for these last few days, even now I'm doing a quite big playlist to Youtube. When I listen to BB I start to think of the time when I just got to know about kpop. Actually Big Bang was my first kpop group that stole my heart. And just today I understood that it's been three years already since I started listening to kpop.
One of the first Big Bang's songs I heard <3
Valitettavasti päätän tämän tähän, koska aivoni ei kerta kaikkiaan pysty tuottamaan enempää tekstiä tältä illalta. Hyvää kesää kaikille ^^
Unfortunately my brain isn't communicating with me as I wanted to so I can't produce any more text today. Have a good summer~
~ Hende, Her whisper is the La la la
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